Chandra Krintz's home page
Research Lab page
The documents contained in these directories have been provided by the contributing authors as a means to ensure timely dissemination
of scholarly and technical work on a noncommercial basis. Copyright and all rights therein are maintained by the authors or by other
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Our work has been and continues to be supported by the
National Science Foundation, the National Institutes of Health,
the US Department of Defense, the California Energy Commission, Google, Huawei, IBM, Microsoft,
Intel, and Sun Microsystems (now Oracle). Any opinions, findings, and conclusions
or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the authors
and do not necessarily reflect the views of these entities.
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- 2025
- Editors: O. Vermesan, K. De Bosschere, T. Vardanega, S. Azaiez, M. Duranton, R. Badia, and D. Lezzi, DISCOVER-US Contributors, Distributed Computing and Swarm Intelligence - Developing a Vision for Transatlantic Collaboration, Feb 2025, 10.5281/zenodo.14940197
- 2024
- T. Ekaireb, L. Brand, and N. Avaraddy, M. Mock, C. Krintz, and R. Wolski,
Distributed Dataflow Across the Edge-Cloud Continuum (PDF), IEEE Cloud (19% acc. rate), Jul 2024, 10.1109/CLOUD62652.2024.00043
- F. Bakir, S. Wang, T. Ekaireb, J. Pearson, C. Krintz, and R. Wolski,
Ambience: An Operating System for IoT Microservices (PDF), Journal of Edge Computing,, 2024
- L. Kurafeeva, C. Krintz, R. Wolski, T. Smyth,
Airflow Modeling for Citrus under Protective Screens (PDF), Sensors -- Special Issue on Leveraging IoT Technologies for Future Smart Agriculture, 24(19), 6200, Sept 2024
- S. Elsayed, C. Krintz, R. Wolski,
Just the FACTS: Flexible and Energy Efficient Federated Access Control for the Edge (PDF), IEEE International Conference on Fog and Mobile Edge Computing (FMEC), Sep 2024
- P. Guan, A. Dangwal, A. Taherkordi, R. Wolski, and C. Krintz, Energy-Aware IoT Deployment Planning (PDF), ACM Computing Frontiers, May 2024, DOI 10.1145/3649153.3649864
- 2023
- K. Celik, S. Maheshwari, S. ElSayed, M. Mock, C. Krintz, R. Wolski,
Depot: Dependency-Eager Platform of Transformations (PDF), IEEE CloudCom, Dec 2023, DOI 10.1109/CloudCom59040.2023.00029
- P. Rolshausen, C. Krintz, R. Wolski, M. Roose, and A. El-Kereamy.
Prospects for Farming Citrus Under Protective Screen Page 38 in the Fall 2023 CRB Citrograph (PDF) Fall 2023
- A. Aiken, N. Bliss, E. Bradley, K. Butler, T. Camp, D. Danks, C. Gill, W. Gropp, P. Harsha, C. Krintz, B. LaMacchia, D. Lopresti, B. Mosley, A. Schwartz, K. Siek, M. Taufer, U. Topcu, P. Wisniewski, and H. Yanco.
Computing Research Association (CRA)’s Computing Community Consortium (CCC) and CRA’s Government Affairs Committee (GAC) Response to RFI on Developing a Roadmap for the Directorate for Technology, Innovation, and Partnerships at the National Science Foundation,
Jul 2023
- N. Saquib, S. Kapoor, C. Krintz and R. Wolski,
GreenCoin: A Renewable Energy-Aware Cryptocurrency (PDF), IEEE IC2E, Sep 2023, doi 10.1109/IC2E59103.2023.00016
- G. Mundewadi, R. Wolski, and C. Krintz, Data Acquisition and Analysis for Improving the Utility of Low Cost Soil Moisture Sensors (PDF), IEEE SmartAGR (at IEEE SmartComp), doi, Jun 2023
- T. Ekaireb, L. Brand, and N. Avaraddy, M. Mock, C. Krintz, and R. Wolski,
Laminar: Dataflow Programming for Serverless IoT Applications (PDF), SESAME, doi, May 2023
- 2022
- N. Saquib, C. Krintz, and R. Wolski,
Replicated Versioned Data Structures for Wide-Area Distributed Systems (PDF) Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems (TPDS), doi: 10.1109/TPDS.2022.3217969, Nov 2022
- S. Wang, F. Bakir, T. Ekaireb, J. Pearson, C. Krintz, and R. Wolski,
MSDBench: Understanding the Performance Impact of Isolation Domains on Microservice-based IoT Deployments (PDF) BenchCouncil International Symposium On Benchmarking, Measuring And Optimizing (Bench22), Nov 2022 Best Paper Award Winner!
- N. Saquib, C. Krintz, and R. Wolski,
Log-Based CRDT for Edge Applications (PDF) (pres), IEEE Conference on Cloud Engineering (IC2E), Sep 2022
- N. Saquib, C. Krintz, and R. Wolski,
Ordering Operations for Generic Replicated Data Types using Version Trees (PDF), Eurosys Workshop on Principles and Practice of Consistency for Distributed Data, Apr 2022
- 2021
- W-T. Lin, C. Krintz, and R. Wolski,
A Programmable and Reliable Publish/Subscribe System for Multi-Tier IoT
(PDF), International Conference on Internet of Things, Systems, Management and Security (IOTSMS) Best Paper Award!
- F. Bakir, C. Krintz, and R. Wolski,
CAPLets: Resource Aware, Capability-Based Access Control for IoT
(PDF), ACM/IEEE Symposium on Edge Computing (SEC21), Dec 2021 Best Paper Honorable Mention!
- David Bermbach, Abhishek Chandra, Chandra Krintz, Aniruddha Gokhale,
Aleksander Slominski, Lauritz Thamsen, Everton Cavalcante, Tian Guo, Ivona
Brandic, and Rich Wolski,
On the Future of Cloud Engineering
(PDF), IEEE International Conference on Cloud Engineering (invited), Oct 2021
- N. Saquib, F. Bakir, C. Krintz, and R. Wolski,
A Resource-Efficient Smart Contract for Privacy Preserving Smart Home Systems
(PDF), IEEE International Conference on Smart City Innovations (SCI), Oct 2021
- N. Saquib, C. Krintz, and R. Wolski,
PEDaLS: Persisting Versioned Data Structures
(PDF), IEEE Conference on Cloud Engineering (IC2E), Oct 2021
- M. Zhang, C. Krintz, and R. Wolski,
Sparta: A Heat-Budget-based Scheduling Framework on IoT Edge Systems
(PDF), International Conference on Edge Computing (EDGE), Sep 2021
- 2020
- M. Zhang, C. Krintz, and R. Wolski,
Edge-Adaptable Serverless Acceleration for Machine Learning IoT Applications
(PDF), Software: Practice and Experience: Special Issue on Elastic Computing from Edge to the Cloud, 2020, DOI 10.1002/spe.2944
- G. George, F. Bakir, C. Krintz, and R. Wolski,
NanoLambda: Implementing Functions as a Service at All Resource Scales for the Internet of Things,
(PDF) (pres), ACM Symposium on Edge Computing (SEC), Nov 2020
- M. Zhang, C. Krintz, and R. Wolski,
STOIC: Serverless TeleOperable Hybrid Cloud for Machine Learning Applications on Edge Device
(PDF), IEEE SmartEdge, Mar 2020
- S. Dimopoulos, C. Krintz, and R. Wolski,
Fair Scheduling for Deadline-Driven, Resource-Constrained, Multi-Analytics Workloads
(PDF), IEEE Workshop on Computing, Networking and Communications (CNC), Feb 2020
- 2019
- S. Dimopoulos, C. Krintz, and R. Wolski,
Towards distributed, fair, and deadline-driven resource allocation for Cloudlets,
(PDF), ACM/USENIX Workshop on Middleware for Edge Clouds and Cloudlets (MECC), Dec 2019
- R. Wolski, C. Krintz, F. Bakir, G. George, and W-T. Lin,
CSPOT: Portable, Multi-scale Functions-as-a-Service for IoT
(PDF), ACM Symposium on Edge Computing (SEC),
Nov 2019 (Pres)
- F. Bakir, R. Wolski, C. Krintz, and G. Sankar Ramachandran,
Devices-as-Services: Rethinking Scalable Service Architectures for the Internet of Things
(PDF), USENIX HotEdge, Jul 2019
- N. Golubovic, R. Wolski, C. Krintz and M. Mock,
Improving the Accuracy of Outdoor Temperature Prediction by IoT Devices
(PDF), IEEE Conference on IoT (ICIOT), Jul 2019, Won Best Paper Award!
- M. Zhang, C. Krintz, R. Wolski, and M. Mock,
Seneca: Fast and Low Cost Hyperparameter Search for Machine Learning Models
(PDF), IEEE Cloud, Jul 2019
- K. Carson, J. Thomason, M. Mock, R. Wolski and C. Krintz,
Mandrake: Implementing Durability for Edge Clouds
(PDF), IEEE Edge, Jul 2019
- W-T. Lin, F. Bakir, C. Krintz, R. Wolski, and M. Mock,
Data repair for Distributed, Event-based IoT Applications
(PDF), ACM International Conference On Distributed and Event-Based Systems, June 2019
- G. George, R. Wolski, C. Krintz, and J. Brevik,
Analyzing AWS Spot Instance Pricing
(PDF), International Conference on Cloud Engineering (IC2E), June 2019
- N. Golubovic, C. Krintz, R. Wolski, B. Sethuramasamyraja, and B. Liu,
A Scalable System for Executing and Scoring K-Means Clustering Techniques and Its Impact on Applications in Agriculture,
(PDF), International Journal of Big Data Intelligence, Vol. 6, Nos. 3/4, 2019
- 2018
- C. Krintz, R. Wolski, N. Golubovic, and F. Bakir,
Estimating Outdoor Temperature from CPU Temperature for IoT Applications in Agriculture,
(PDF), International Conference on the Internet of Things (IoT), Oct 2018
- W-T. Lin, C. Krintz, and R. Wolski,
Tracing Function Dependencies Across Clouds,
(PDF), IEEE Cloud, Jul 2018
- W-T. Lin, M. Zhang, C. Krintz, R. Wolski, Xiaogang Cai, Tongjun Li, and Weijin Xu,
Tracking Causal Order in AWS Lambda Applications,
(PDF), IEEE International Conference on Cloud Engineering (IC2E), June 2018
- H. Jayathilaka, C. Krintz, and R. Wolski,
Detecting Performance Anomalies in Cloud Platform Applications,
IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing (TCC), Feb 2018
- 2017
- N. Golubovic, A. Gill, C. Krintz, and R. Wolski,
CENTAURUS: A Cloud Service for K-means Clustering,
IEEE DataCom, November, 2017
- S. Dimopoulos, C. Krintz, and R. Wolski,
Justice: A Deadline-aware, Fair-share Resource Allocator for Implementing Multi-analytics,
(PDF), IEEE Cluster, September, 2017
Won Best Paper Award!!
- R. Wolski, J. Brevik, R. Chard, K. Chard,
Probabilistic Guarantees of Execution Duration for Amazon Spot Instances, Supercomputing (SC), November, 2017
- S. Dimopoulos, C. Krintz, and R. Wolski,
PYTHIA: Admission Control for Multi-Framework, Deadline-Driven, Big Data Workloads,(PDF), IEEE Cloud, June, 2017
- R. Wolski and J. Brevik,
QPRED: Using Quantile Predictions to Improve Power Usage for Private Clouds,(PDF), IEEE Cloud, June, 2017
- S. Shekhar, J. Colletti, F. Munoz-Arriola, L. Ramaswamy, C. Krintz, L. Varshney, D. Richardson,
Intelligent Infrastructure for Smart Agriculture: An Integrated Food, Energy and Water System,
(PDF), (local PDF),
CRA CCC Catalyst, April, 2017
A. Rosales Elias, N. Golubovic, R. Wolski, and C. Krintz,
Where's The Bear? -- Automating Wildlife Image Processing
Using IoT and Edge Cloud Systems (Best Paper Finalist)
(PDF) (Presentation PDF),
ACM Conference on IoT Design and Implementation, April, 2017
H. Jayathilaka, R. Wolski, and C. Krintz,
Performance Monitoring and Root Cause Analysis for Cloud-hosted Web Applications
International World Wide Web Conference (WWW), April, 2017
A. Pucher, R. Wolski, and C. Krintz,
EXFed: Efficient Cross-Federation with Availability SLAs on Preemptible IaaS Instances,
IEEE International Conference on Cloud Engineering (IC2E),
Jul, 2017
- 2016
B. Drawert, A. Hellander, B. Bales, D. Banerjee, G. Bellesia, B. Daigle, G. Douglas, M. Gu, A. Gupta, S. Hellander, C. Horuk, D. Nath, A. Takkar, S. Wu, P. Lotstedt, C. Krintz, and L. Petzold,
Stochastic Simulation Service: Bridging the Gap Between the Computational Expert and the Biologist,
(local PDF),
PLOS Computational Biology, Vol. 12(12), Dec, 2016
C. Krintz and R. Wolski,
PaaS Cloud for Integrated Full Stack Monitoring,
(PDF online), (local PDF (unformatted))
ICT Insights, Issue 19,
October, 2016
- S. Dimopoulos, C. Krintz, and R. Wolski,
Big Data Framework Interference In Restricted Private Cloud Settings
(PDF), IEEE Conference on Big Data, December, 2016 (Pres)
N. Golubovic, C. Krintz, R. Wolski, S. Lafia, T. Hervey, and W. Kuhn,
Extracting Spatial Information from Social Media in Support of Agricultural Management Decisions
(PDF), ACM SIGSPATIAL Workshop on Geographic Information Retrieval, October, 2016
- C. Krintz, R. Wolski, N. Golubovic, B. Lampel, V. Kulkarni, B. Sethuramasamyraja, B. Roberts, and B. Liu,
SmartFarm: Improving Agriculture Sustainability Using Modern Information Technology
KDD 2016 Workshop on Data Science for Food, Energy, and Water (DSFEW), August, 2016
- 2015
- H. Jayathilaka, R. Wolski, and C. Krintz,
Service-Level Agreement Durability for Web Service Response Time
IEEE Conference on Cloud Computing Technology and Science (CloudCom'15). November, 2015
- C. Krintz, R. Wolski, J. E. Pinsker, S. Dimopoulos, J. Brevik, and E. Dassau,
On the Use of Consumer-grade Activity Monitoring Devices to Improve
Predictions of Glycemic Variability
EAI International Conference on Smart Wearable Devices and IoT for Health and Wellbeing Applications. October, 2015. Volume 166 of the Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering series, 2016.
- A. Chien, R. Wolski, and F. Yang,
Zero-Carbon Cloud: A Volatile Resource for High-Performance Computing
International Workshop on Sustainable Higher Performance Computing 2015 in collaboration with the 13th IEEE International Conference on Dependable, Autonomic and Secure Computing (DACS 2015). September, 2015
- H. Jayathilaka, R. Wolski, and C. Krintz,
Response Time Service Level Agreements for Cloud-hosted Web Applications
ACM Symposium on Cloud Computing (SoCC'15). August, 2015
- A. Pucher, R. Wolski, and C. Krintz,
Providing Lifetime Service-Level-Agreements for Cloud Spot Instances
International Conference on Grid and Cloud Computing and Applications (GCA'15). Jul, 2015.
- S. Dimopoulos, C. Krintz, and R. Wolski,
SuperContra: Cross-Language, Cross-Runtime Contracts As a Service
IC2E Workshop on the Future of PaaS, March 2015
- H. Jayathilaka, C. Krintz, and R. Wolski,
EAGER: Deployment-time API Governance for Modern PaaS Clouds
IC2E Workshop on the Future of PaaS, March 2015
- A. Pucher, C. Krintz, and R. Wolski,
Using Trustworthy Simulation to Engineer Cloud Schedulers
IEEE International Conference on Cloud Engineering (IC2E),
March, 2015.
Won Best Paper Award!!
- 2014
- H. Jayathilaka, A. Pucher, C. Krintz, and R. Wolski,
Using Syntactic and Semantic Similarity of Web APIs to Estimate Porting Effort
International Journal of Services Computing, Vol. 2, No.4, October-December 2014
- G. Douglas, B. Drawert, C. Krintz, and R. Wolski,
CloudTracker: Using Execution Provenance to Optimize the Cost of Cloud Use
International Conference on Economics of Grids, Clouds, Systems, and Services, Sept 2014
- C. Horuk, G. Douglas, A. Gupta, C. Krintz, B. Bales, G. Bellesia, B. Drawert, R. Wolski, L. Petzold, and A. Hellander,
Automatic and Portable Cloud Deployment for Scientific Simulations
IEEE/ACM International Conference on High Performance Computing and Simulation, Jul 2014
- H. Jayathilaka, C. Krintz, and R. Wolski
Towards Automatically Estimating Porting Effort Between Web Service APIs,
IEEE International Conference on Services Computing, June 2014
- C. Krintz, H. Jayathilaka, S. Dimopoulos, A. Pucher, R. Wolski, and T. Bultan,
Cloud Platform Support for API Governance
IC2E Workshop on the Future of PaaS, March 2014
- 2013
- C. Krintz and R. Wolski,
Unified API Governance in the New API Economy
Cutter IT Journal, Sept, 2013
- C. Krintz, H. Jayathilaka, S. Dimopoulos, A. Pucher, and R. Wolski,
Developing Systems for API Governance,
(PDF), Workshop on Sustainable Software for Science: Practice and Experiences, Sept, 2013
- C. Krintz,
The AppScale Cloud Platform: Enabling Portable, Scalable Web Application Deployment,
IEEE Internet Computing, March/April 2013
- 2012
- C. Bunch, V. Arora, N. Chohan, C. Krintz, S. Hegde, and A. Srivastava,
A Pluggable Autoscaling Service for Open Cloud PaaS Systems,
IEEE/ACM International Conference on Utility and Cloud Computing, November, 2012.
- N. Chohan, C. Bunch, C. Krintz, and N. Canumalla,
Cloud Platform Datastore Support
Journal of Grid Computing, details, Nov, 2012.
The final publication is available at
- N. Chohan, A. Gupta, C. Bunch, S. Sundaram, and C. Krintz,
North by Northwest: Infrastructure Agnostic and Datastore Agnostic Live Migration of Private Cloud Platforms,
USENIX HotCloud, June, 2012.
N. Chohan, A. Gupta, C. Bunch, K. Prakasam, and C. Krintz,
Hybrid Cloud Support for Large Scale Analytics and
Web Processing,
USENIX WebApps, June, 2012.
- C. Bunch, B. Drawert, N. Chohan, C. Krintz, L. Petzold, and K. Shams,
Language and Runtime Support for Automatic Configuration and Deployment of Scientific Computing Software over Cloud Fabrics,
Journal of Grid Computing, Special Issue on Data Intensive Computing in the Clouds, Mar, 2012. (PDF).
The final publication is available at
C. Bunch , N. Chohan, and C. Krintz,
Supporting Placement and Data Consistency Strategies Using Hybrid Clouds,
IEEE Aerospace Conference, March, 2012.
- 2011
- C. Bunch and C. Krintz,
Enabling Automated HPC / Database Deployment via the AppScale Hybrid Cloud Platform, Workshop on High-Performance Computing Meets Databases, Nov, 2011.
N. Chohan, C. Bunch, C. Krintz, and
Y. Nomura (Fujitsu),
Database-Agnostic Transaction Support for Cloud Infrastructures,
IEEE Cloud11: International Conference on Cloud Computing, Jul, 2011
C. Bunch , N. Chohan, C. Krintz, and Khawaja Shams (JPL),
Neptune: A Domain Specific Language for Deploying HPC
Software on Cloud Platforms,
ACM ScienceCloud Workshop, June, 2011
Won Best Paper Award!
- 2010
C. Bunch , J. Kupferman, and C. Krintz,
Active Cloud DB: A RESTful Software-as-a-Service for Language Agnostic Access to Distributed Datastores
International Conference on Cloud Computing (CloudComp), Oct, 2010
M. Wegiel and C. Krintz,
Cross-Language, Type-Safe, and Transparent Object Sharing For Co-Located Managed Runtimes
ACM Conference on Object-Oriented Programming Systems,
Languages, and Applications (OOPSLA), Oct, 2010
C. Bunch, N. Chohan, C. Krintz, J. Chohan, J. Kupferman, P. Lakhina, Y. Li, and
Y. Nomura (Fujitsu),
An Evaluation of Distributed Datastores Using the AppScale Cloud Platform,
IEEE Cloud10: International Conference on Cloud Computing, Jul, 2010
N. Chohan, C. Castillo, M. Spreitzer, M. Steinder, A. Tantawi, and C. Krintz,
See Spot Run: Using Spot Instances for MapReduce Workflows
USENIX HotCloud Workshop, June, 2010
- 2009
N. Chohan, C. Bunch, S. Pang, C. Krintz, N. Mostafa, S. Soman, and R. Wolski,
AppScale: Scalable and Open AppEngine Application Development and Deployment,
International Conference on Cloud Computing (CloudComp'09), Oct, 2009
- M. Wegiel and C. Krintz,
The single-referent collector: Optimizing compaction for the common case
ACM Transactions on Architecture and Code Optimization (TACO),
Volume 6, Issue 4, Number 15,
Oct, 2009,
N. Mostafa and C. Krintz,
Tracking Performance Across Software Revisions,
ACM International Conference on Principles and Practice of Programming in Java (PPPJ), Aug, 2009
M. Wegiel and C. Krintz,
Dynamic Prediction of Collection Yield for Managed Runtimes,
ACM International Conference on
Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems
(ASPLOS), Mar, 2009
- L. Zhang and C. Krintz,
As-If-Serial Exception Handling Semantics for Java Futures
Elsevier Journal on the Science of Computer Programming, V74, Issue 5-6, 2009;
Special issue on PPPJ 2007 -- one of seven papers selected for
peer-reviewed extension and publication.
- 2008
S. Soman, C. Krintz, and L. Daynes,
MTM²: Scalable Memory Management for Multi-Tasking Managed Runtime Environments,
European Conference on Object-Oriented Programming (ECOOP), Jul, 2008
M. Wegiel and C. Krintz,
XMem: Type-Safe, Transparent, Shared Memory for Cross-Runtime Communication and Coordination,
ACM Conference
Programming Language Design and Implementation (PLDI), Jun, 2008
(PLDI), Mar, 2008
M. Wegiel and C. Krintz,
The Mapping Collector: Virtual Memory Support for Generational, Parallel, and Concurrent Compaction,
ACM International Conference on
Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems
(ASPLOS), Mar, 2008
- S. Gurun, D. Nurmi, R. Wolski, and C. Krintz,
On the Efficiency of Computation Offloading Decision Making Strategies
International Journal of High Performance Computing Applications, Vol. 22, No.4,
pg460-479, November, 2008
- Y. Wen, S. Gurun, N. Chohan, R. Wolski,
and C. Krintz,
Accurate and Scalable Simulation of Network of Heterogeneous Sensor Devices
Journal of Signal Processing Systems: Special Issue on Embedded Computer Systems for DSP, Vol 50, No. 2, Feb, 2008, Pages 115-136, Springer Science
- S. Gurun and C. Krintz,
NWSLite: A General-purpose, Non-parametric Prediction Utility for Embedded Systems
ACM Transactions on Embedded Systems
Volume 7, Number 3, Article 32, April 2008 (PDF)
- 2007
L. Zhang, C. Krintz, and P. Nagpurkar,
Supporting Exception Handling for Futures in Java,
ACM International Conference on
the Principles and Practice on Programming in Java (PPPJ),
Sep, 2007
L. Zhang, C. Krintz, and P. Nagpurkar,
Language and Virtual Machine Support for Efficient
Fine-Grained Futures in Java,
The International Conference on
Parallel Architectures and Compilation Techniques,
Sep, 2007
P. Nagpurkar, H. Cain, M. Serrano, J. Choi, and C. Krintz,
Call-chain Software Instruction Prefetching in J2EE
Server Applications,
ACM International Conference on
Parallel Architectures and Compilation Techniques,
Sep, 2007
C. Grzegorczyk, S. Soman, R. Wolski, and C. Krintz,
Isla Vista Heap Sizing: Using Feedback to Avoid Paging,
ACM International Symposium on Code Generation and Optimization
March, 2007
- R. Wolski, S. Gurun, C. Krintz, and D. Nurmi,
Using Bandwidth Data to Make Computation Offloading Decisions,
Workshop on High-Performance Grid Computing Workshop (HPGC'08) (w/IPDPS), March, 2007 (Invited/Peer Reviewed)
- H. Mousa, C. Krintz, L. Youseff, and R. Wolski,
VIProf: Vertically Integrated Full-System Performance Profiler
Workshop on Next-Generation Software (w/IPDPS), March, 2007
P. Nagpurkar, H. Cain, M. Serrano, J-D. Choi and C. Krintz, A Study of Instruction Cache Performance and the Potential for Instruction Prefetching in J2EE Server Applications, Tenth Workshop on Computer Architecture Evaluation Using Commercial Workloads (CAECW-10), Feb 2007, Phoenix, AZ
- S. Soman and C. Krintz,
Application-specific Garbage Collection
Journal of Systems and Software Volume 80, Issue 7, pp. 1037-1056, Jul, 2007
- 2006
- L. Youseff, R. Wolski, B. Gorda, C. Krintz
Paravirtualization for HPC Systems
XHPC: Workshop on XEN in High-Performance Cluster and Grid Computing, Dec. 2006
(PDF) Won (Co-) Best Paper Award!
- L. Youseff, R. Wolski, B. Gorda, C. Krintz
Evaluating the Performance Impact of Xen on MPI and Process Execution For HPC Systems
International Workshop on Virtualization Technologies in Distributed Computing (VTDC), Nov. 2006 (w/ Supercomputing).
L. Zhang, C. Krintz, and S. Soman,
Efficient Support of Fine-grained Futures in Java, International Conference
on Parallel and Distributed Computing Systems
(PDCS), November 2006, Dallas, TX
S. Gurun and C. Krintz,
A Run-Time, Feedback-Based Energy Estimation Model For Embedded Devices,
International Conference on Hardware-Software Codesign and System Synthesis
(CODES+ISSS), October 2006, Seoul Korea
S. Soman, L. Daynes, and C. Krintz,
Task-Aware Garbage Collection in a Multi-Tasking Virtual Machine,
ACM International Symposium for Memory Management (ISMM), June 2006, Ottawa, Canada
S. Soman and C. Krintz,
Efficient and General On-Stack Replacement for Aggressive Program Specialization,
International Conference on Programming Languages and Compilers (PLC),
Las Vegas, NV, Jun, 2006,
Y. Wen, S. Gurun, N. Chohan, R. Wolski, and C. Krintz,
SimGate: Full-System, Cycle-Close Simulation of the Stargate Sensor Network
Intermediate Node,
International Conference on Embedded Computer Systems:
Architectures, MOdeling, and Simulation (IC-SAMOS), Samos, Greece, Jul, 2006,
P. Nagpurkar, C. Krintz, M. Hind, P. Sweeney, and
V.T. Rajan,
Online Phase Detection Algorithms,
ACM International Symposium on Code Generation and Optimization (CGO),
Mar 2006, Manhattan, NY, NY
- P. Nagpurkar, H. Mousa, C. Krintz, and T. Sherwood,
Efficient Remote Profiling for Resource-Constrained Devices,
ACM Transactions on Architecture and Code Optimization (TACO).
Vol. 3, Number 1, March, 2006, pages 1-32.
- P. Nagpurkar and C. Krintz,
Phase-Based Visualization and Analysis of Java Programs
Elsevier Science of Computer Programming -- Special Issue on
Priciples Practices and Programming in Java,
Vol. 59, Number 1-2, January, 2006, pp. 64-81.
- C. Krintz and S. Sucu,
Adaptive On-The-Fly Compression
IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems (TPDS),
Vol. 17, Number 1, January, 2006, pp. 15-24.
- 2005
- C. Krintz and S. Gurun,
Remote Performance Monitoring
Dagstuhl Seminar Proceedings --
Schloss Dagstuhl Workshop on Automatic Performance Analysis, December 2005.
- S. Gurun and C. Krintz,
AutoDVS: An Automatic, General-Purpose, Dynamic Clock Scheduling System for
Hand-Held Devices, ACM SIGBED
International Conference on Embedded Systems Software (EMSOFT),
Jersey City, NJ, Sept 18-22, 2005
- H. Mousa and C. Krintz,
HPS: Hybrid Profiling Support, ACM SIGARCH
ACM International Conference on Parallel Architectures and Compilation Techniques
(PACT), St. Louis, MO, Sept 17-21, 2005
- C. Krintz and R. Wolski,
Using Phase Behavior in Scientific Application to Guide
Linux Operating System Customization
Workshop on Next Generation Software at IPDPS, April 2005.
- Y. Wen, R. Wolski, and C. Krintz,
History-based, Online, Battery Lifetime Prediction for Embedded and Mobile Devices
Workshop on Power-Aware Computer Systems (PACS), April 2003.
- P. Nagpurkar, C. Krintz, and T. Sherwood,
Phase-Aware Remote Profiling
ACM International Symposium on Code Generation and Optimization (CGO),
Mar. 20-23, 2005, San Jose, CA
- L. Zhang and C. Krintz,
The Design, Implementation, and Evaluation of Adaptive Code
Unloading for Resource-Constrained Devices
ACM Transactions on Architecture and Code Optimization (TACO),
Vol. 2, Number 2, June, 2005, pages 131-164
- 2004
- S. Soman, C. Krintz, and D. Bacon,
Dynamic Selection of Application-specific Garbage Collectors,
ACM International Symposium for Memory Management (ISMM), Oct 24-28, 2004, Vancouver,
- C. Krintz, Y. Wen, and R. Wolski,
Application-level Prediction of Battery Dissipation
ACM/IEEE International Symposium
on Low Power Electronics and Design (ISLPED),
pp224-229, August 9-11, 2004, Newport Beach, CA
- L. Zhang and C. Krintz,
Adaptive Code Unloading for Resource-Constrained JVMs
ACM Conference on
Languages, Compilers, and Tools for Embedded Systems (LCTES),
June 11-13, 2004, Washington DC
- P. Nagpurkar and C. Krintz,
Visualization and Analysis of Phased Behavior in Java Programs
ACM International Conference on the Principles and Practice of Programming in Java (PPPJ)
June 16-18, 2004, Las Vegas, NV
- L. Zhang and C. Krintz,
Profile-driven Code Unloading for Resource-Constrained JVMs
ACM International Conference on the Principles and Practice of Programming in Java (PPPJ)
June 16-18, 2004, Las Vegas, NV;
- S. Gurun, C. Krintz, and R. Wolski,
NWSLite: A Light-Weight Prediction Utility
for Mobile Devices,
International Conference on Mobile Systems, Applications, and Services
(MobiSys) June 6-9, 2004,
- Y. Wen, R. Wolski, and C. Krintz,
Online Prediction of Battery Lifetime for Embedded and Mobile Devices
Special Issue on Embedded Systems:
Springer-Verlag Heidelberg Lecture Notes in Computer Science, V3164/2004,
Dec 2004.
- 2003
- S. Soman, C. Krintz, and G. Vigna,
Detecting Malicious Java Code Using Virtual Machine Auditing,
USENIX Security Symposium, Washington DC, Aug. 4-8, 2003,
- S. Sucu and C. Krintz,
ACE: A Resource-Aware Adaptive Compression Environment
Int'l Conference on
Information Technology: Coding and Computing (ITCC03),
April 28-30, 2003,
- C. Krintz,
Coupling On-Line and Off-Line Profile Information to Improve Program Performance,
International Symposium on Code Generation and Optimization (CGO03),
March 23-26, 2003,
- 2002
- C. Krintz,
Using Adaptive Optimization Techniques To Teach Mobile Java Computing,
Conference on the Principles and Practice of Programming in Java, June, 2002,
- C. Krintz,
Improving Mobile Program Performance Through the Use of a Hybrid Intermediate Representation,
Workshop on Intermediate Representation Engineering for the Java Virtual Machine, June, 2002,
- 2001
- C. Krintz and B. Calder,
Reducing Transfer Delay with Dynamic Selection of Compression Formats,
IEEE Conference on High Performance Distributed Computing (HPDC), Aug, 2001,
- C. Krintz and B. Calder,
Using Annotation to Reduce Dynamic Optimization Time,
ACM Conference
Programming Language Design and Implementation (PLDI), Jun, 2001,
- C. Krintz and R. Wolski,
NwsAlarm: A Tool for Accurately Detecting Resource Performance
IEEE Symposium on Cluster Computing and the Grid
May, 2001,
- C. Krintz and R. Wolski,
Using JavaNws to Compare C and Java TCP-Socket Performance
in the Journal of Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience, Volume 13, Issue 8-9, pp. 815-859, Jun, 2001,
- 2000 and Earlier
- C. Krintz and R. Wolski
JavaNws: The Network Weather Service for the Desktop
ACM JavaGrande'00, Jun, 2000. abstract,
- C. Krintz, D. Grove, V. Sarkar, and B. Calder,
Reducing the Overhead of Dynamic Compilation
in the Journal of Software: Practice and Experience,
Volume 31, Issue 8, pp. 717-738, Dec, 2000,
C. Krintz, B. Calder, and U. Hoelzle,
Reducing Transfer Delay Using Java Class File Splitting and Prefetching
ACM Conference on Object-Oriented Programming Systems,
Languages, and Applications (OOPSLA),
OOPSLA'99, Oct, 1999. abstract,
R. Wolski, J. Brevik, C. Krintz, G. Obertelli, N. Spring, and A. Su,
Running EveryWare on the Computational Grid, ACM Supercomputing'99, Nov, 1999,
C. Krintz, B. Calder, H. Lee, and B. Zorn,
Overlapping Execution with Transfer Using Non-Strict Execution for Mobile Programs ,
ACM International Conference on
Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems (ASPLOS),
Oct, 1998
- B. Calder, C. Krintz, S. John, and T. Austin,
Cache-Conscious Data Placement ,
ACM International Conference on
Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems (ASPLOS),
Oct, 1998
- C. Krintz and S. Fitzgerald,
AGAVE: A Visualization Tool for Parallel Programming, IASTED'95,
(Back To Top)
- H. Jayathilaka, C. Krintz, and R. Wolski
Service-driven Computing with APIs: Challenges and Emerging Trends in
Handbook of Research on Architectural Trends in Service-Driven Computing
IGI Global,
Raja Ramanathan and Kirtana Raja, Eds., ISBN-13: 978-1466661783, June, 2014.
(details) (Draft PDF)
- C. Krintz, C. Bunch, and N. Chohan,
AppScale: Open-Source Platform-As-A-Service, in
Open Source Cloud Computing Systems: Practices and Paradigms,
IGI Global,
Luis Vaquero, Juan Ciceres, and Juan Hierro, Eds., ISBN-13: 978-1466600980, January, 2012.
- C. Krintz,
Improving Mobile Program Performance Through the Use of a Hybrid Intermediate Representation, in
Recent Advances in Java Technology: Theory, Application,
Chapter 26, pp224-232,
Computer Science Press,
Trinity College Dublin, J. Power and J. Waldron Eds., ISBN: 0-9544145-0-0, November, 2002.
- C. Krintz,
Using Adaptive Optimization Techniques To Teach Mobile Java Computing,
Recent Advances in Java Technology: Theory, Application,
Chapter 7, pp63-69,
Computer Science Press,
Trinity College Dublin, J. Power and J. Waldron Eds., ISBN: 0-9544145-0-0, November, 2002.
- Nazmus Saquib; [UCSB TR 2024-01]: Replicated Versioned Data for the Internet of Things (IoT); Jul 2023
- Fatih Bakir; (PDF): A Special Purpose Operating System for Multiscale IoT Microservices; June 2022;
UCSB Technical Report #2022-03
- Michael Zhang; (PDF): Intelligent Scheduling for IoT Applications at the Network Edge; Aug 2021;
UCSB Technical Report #2022-02
- Wei-Tsung Lin; (PDF): Uniformly Programmable, Distributed, Reliable, Event-based Systems for Multi-Tier IoT Deployments; June 2021;
UCSB Technical Report #2022-01
- Nevena Golubovic; (PDF): Scalable Analytics Systems for Multi-Tier IoT Deployments with Applications in Agriculture; December 2019; UCSB Technical Report #2019-11
- Stratos Dimopoulos; (PDF): Resource Allocation in Multi-analytics, Resource-Constrained Environments; January 2018; UCSB Technical Report #2019-03
- Hiranya Jayathilaka; (PDF): Governance of Cloud Hosted Web Applications; December 2016; UCSB Technical Report #2016-10
- Alex Pucher; (PDF): Using Workload Prediction and Federation to Increase Cloud Utilization; September 2016; UCSB Technical Report #2019-04
- Navraj Chohan; (PDF): Data and Application Management in an Open Cloud Platform;
December 2012; UCSB Technical Report #2013-01
- Chris Bunch; (PDF): Automated Configuration and Deployment of Applications in Heterogeneous Cloud Environments;
December 2012; UCSB Technical Report #2013-02
- Nagy Mostafa; (PDF): Towards Enabling Better Understanding and Performance for Managed Languages; June 2012; UCSB Technical Report #2012-06
- Michal Wegiel; (PDF):
Memory Management for Multi-Language Multi-Runtime Systems on Multi-Core Architectures,
January 2011; UCSB Technical Report #2010-23
- Amichi Amar; (PDF):
Support for Resource Constrained Microcontroller Programming by a Broad Developer Community,
December 2010; UCSB Technical Report #2010-24
- Sunil Soman; (PDF.gz):
Memory Management for Multi-Application Managed Runtime Environments,
June 2008; UCSB Technical Report #2008-07
- Lingli Zhang; (PDF.gz): Exploiting Adaptation in a Java Virtual Machine to
Enable Both Programmer Productivity and Performance for Heterogeneous Devices, Dec. 2007; UCSB Technical Report #2008-02
- Priya Nagpurkar; (PDF.gz):
Analysis, Detection, and Exploitation of Phase Behavior in Java Programs,
Aug. 2007; UCSB Technical Report #2008-05
- Selim Gurun; (PDF.gz):
Modeling, Predicting and Reducing Energy Consumption
in Resource Restricted Computers,
Mar. 2007; UCSB Technical Report #2007-05
- C. Krintz;
Reducing Load
Delay to Improve Performance of Internet-Computing
Advisor: Brad Calder;
Univ. of California, San Diego Technical Report CS2001-0672, May, 2001
(Back To Top)
N. Saquib, C. Krintz, and R. Wolski,
Log-Structured Conflict-Free Replicated Data Types, January 2021, UCSB TR 2021-01
R. Wolski, C. Krintz, and W-T. Lin,
CSPOT: A Serverless Platform of Things, February 2018, UCSB TR 2018-01
- R. Wolski, G. George, C. Krintz, and J. Brevik,
Analyzing AWS Spot Instance Pricing, September 2018, UCSB TR 2018-02
- N. Mostafa, M. Kedlaya, Y. Choi, B. Hardekopf, and C. Krintz,
The Remote Compilation Framework, May 2012, UCSB TR 2012-03
- C. Krintz, C. Bunch, and N. Chohan,
The AppScale User's Guide (PDF) -- AppScale: Open-Source Platform-As-A-Service,
January, 2011
UCSB Technical Report #2011-01
- M. Wegiel and C. Krintz,
Concurrent Collection as an Operating System Service for Cross-Runtime Cross-Language Memory Management,
Jul, 2010
UCSB Technical Report #2010-15